Wow, I totally didn't mean to go this long without updating. I had written two new posts, both of which were AWESOME, I must have accidentally deleted them because posts don't get up and walk away on their own. In fact, posts can't walk at all.
The last few days, I've done basically two things: sleep and lay around. While laying around, I managed to write the aforementioned posts, but mostly I just watched reruns of House Hunters and ate whatever Christmas desserts weren't massacred by me on Saturday. It's been awesome, and today was no disappointment; I ordered Left 4 Dead 2 and the first two God of War games for 28 bucks. None of it was mine, thanks to the Amazon gift cards I got this year. Score. My sister and her fiance also just got Netflix, so I spent about 90% of my day sprawled out on their couch looking for any horrible-yet-awesome movies I could manage to waste some time on.
I watched G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra, and to be totally honest, I cannot tell you a single thing about it except Marlon Wayans was one of the main characters, and he is not Jamie Foxx. I'm sure you can see how I got them mixed up, considering they look nothing alike.
Right now, I'm watching reruns of American Dad on some random website that has ads reminding me of all the single women conveniently located in my town and how I can get a medical marijuana card. Personally, I'm not down with the ganja, but whatever floats your boat.
Tomorrow, my goal is to somehow recreate the Lost Posts that I was so proud of. And maybe stop watching so much TV. I probably won't accomplish either, because I still have a few desserts stashed away somewhere, and "coming down from a sugar high" is higher on my list than "finding a less sedentary pastime" and "attract new readers, don't scare them away."
But it's the thought that counts, and my thoughts are my gifts to you. It's probably not a gift you wanted, but you're stuck with it. Kind of like chlamydia.
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Preemptive strike: I love you too.