Sunday, February 13, 2011

Quick update to prove that I'm still alive or at least a zombie or something.

My hands...they're completely covered in cake. I scrub and scrub, but it won't. Come. Off. I feel like a modern Lady Macbeth, screaming at this damn spot cake that just won't leave. My keyboard is currently glaring at me as I leave tiny pieces of confectionary droppings everywhere, but it's not like I'm going to let a mess get in the way of my internet fix. When I need a hit, I need a hit.

The weather is incredible right now, and does not feel like February whatsoever. It's warmish and sunny outside, and I should really be enjoying it; instead, what am I doing? Sitting inside in a sweatshirt, covered with a blanket. I have a problem, I'm realizing. And by a problem, I mean a whole slew that should probably be addressed at some point, and sooner would be much more beneficial than later.

I'm taking a quick break from the cake that has dominated the last few days of my life, and I guess I should take advantage of this opportunity to do something like homework or exposing myself to the sunlight for the first time in four months. Nah.

I'll just keep listening to Born This Way with the blinds closed and scrub my hands until they're raw and no evidence of cake is left.

1 comment:

Preemptive strike: I love you too.