Saturday, December 18, 2010

Beyonce doesn't know what she's talking about.

If you're familiar with pop music, then you probably know the song "Irreplaceable," by Beyonce Knowles. In reality, she's singing the song to a guy; probably not Jay-Z. To make the song more fun, in my mind, I like to think she's singing it to her vacation weave. While the two are truly inseparable, it's fun to imagine that their relationship might be tumultuous at times and Bey has enough money that the occasional warning about buying a new lacefront is no idle threat.

I, on the other hand, would never threaten my most prized and valued possessions with potential replacement; in fact, there's a handful that I can't get through a normal day without.

My phone

When I wake up, I check it. When I eat breakfast, I check it. When I breathe, I check it. It's my main lifeline to the outside world, and even more so now that my laptop decided to abandon me. It's beautiful and makes seagull noises, a service that nothing else in my life can provide, barring an actual seagull becoming part of my everyday life.

My wii

I love my wii; I play it nearly every day. The sheer number of hours this thing has consumed of my life should probably be embarrassing, but my complete lack of shame has thankfully stopped that from happening. While Brawl has been my consistent obsession since I bought the console, Just Dance 2 has taken up a lot of my time in recent weeks. Sure, I can dance to Ke$ha and Donna Summer in my room whenever I want, but the game makes it slightly less weird; I'm doing it for points.

My tablet

Probably one of the best Christmas gifts I've ever gotten, I try to draw and write nearly every single day. It's a good creative outlet, and I never get tired of drawing myself riding on dinosaurs.  Viacom, if you're looking for an endorsement, look no further; I'm ready to whore myself out for whatever you're willing to pay me. On a slightly unrelated note, so far, everything I care about most is white. I wonder what that says about me.


More specifically, the leopard print blanket I carry everywhere. It's warm, it makes me look like a pimp, and my cat likes me a whole lot more when I'm draped in what appears to be her cousin. I've answered the door on more than one occasion while it's wrapped around me like a cocoon, and the looks I've gotten from total strangers are truly Kodak moments.


Aside from nacho cheese, cereal is my favorite food group. It is truly everything anybody needs to survive. When I get to the cereal aisle in the grocery store, I immediately transform into a five year old; buying a box of cereal I want is like waking up on Christmas morning and finding out every day for the rest of your life is going to be your birthday, and everybody will give you anything your tiny heart has ever desired. There is no better feeling on this planet.


My cat. She both loves and despises me more than any other living thing on this planet. When she chooses to be awake, she follows me everywhere, and can never seem to get enough attention; when I choose for her to be awake, I feel she wants nothing more than for me to be dead. She's a total badass, and has killed probably thousands of animals, including snakes and jackrabbits.

What is something you can't get through the day without?

1 comment:

Preemptive strike: I love you too.