Monday, January 3, 2011

Apparently, I'm in high demand.

I'm freaking BUSY. Every single day lately is crammed full of fun and awesome things, and I've barely been home. I definitely haven't had a chance to sit down, write, draw, make a new banner...things like that. I feel like my blog is my yard, and the grass is getting overgrown and the plants are starting to wilt. And it's being overrun by lemmings.

I have ideas. Post ideas. They're circling around in my head, just waiting for a free hour or two when I can do that thing where you put words together in a cohesive and coherent structure, though cohesive and coherent might be a lot to ask for. I haven't abandoned you, readers. I still love you. I have free time now, but I have gotten maybe 10 hours of sleep over the last three days and today, I've been up since 7:30. It's my own fault, I'm not pointing fingers at anyone, but I'm also my own worst enemy. Let's face it, nobody's shoving sugar and caffeine down my throat, and there isn't some invisible person forcing me to stay up until 4 AM when I should be going to bed roughly five hours earlier than that, since my classes actually start in the morning this semester. 

Stupid decision on my part, once again; no morning classes. I tell myself that every semester, because I just can't do it. It's impossible for me to absorb any knowledge before noon, which is exactly why I stopped speed-reading encyclopedias at 8:30 every morning. It did me no good.

So I'll do my best to be back on a regular schedule soon. School is returning to Grim Reaper everyone's social lives away, so maybe people will forget I exist and I can go back to being forever alone and dedicating every waking hour, minus my classes, to the internet. It will be glorious.



  1. hahahahahaha...I want to watch you speed read encyclopedias!!! :)

  2. Any time, just let me know and bring over Ri-Sc, I don't have that volume.


Preemptive strike: I love you too.